The Science Behind Manifestation: How It Really Works

As the practice of manifestation has exploded in the past few years thanks to social media, popularized books, and media attention, it has garnered enthusiasts worldwide and helped countless people achieve the life they have always dreamed of. However, some people remain skeptical: does the practice really work? Is there any true reason or science behind it? The answer is a definitive yes, and for so many science-backed reasons that prove manifestation works.

  1. Manifestation creates a growth mindset

A growth mindset, coined by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, is the idea that we can develop ourselves through dedication; it emphasizes resilience in order to become the best version of ourselves as opposed to holding a fixed mindset, which is when we believe that we have no power in changing the outcome of our lives. When manifesting, you actively believe in achieving a better version of yourself and your life. Believing that you can do something creates a greater possibility that you will actually do it. In this sense, practicing manifestation and holding a growth mindset go hand-in-hand in holding the power to change your circumstances.

  1. Self-fulfilling prophecies

The idea of the self-fulfilling prophecy is that your expectations for a certain outcome will be confirmed. If you expect, or manifest, to bring an idea to life and have a positive outlook that you can and will do so, you will be able to act in a way that confirms this. For example, if you are seeking to manifest a promotion at work, you would be expecting this to happen by affirming that it is possible, prompting you to seek out and take advantage of opportunities that you may not have otherwise, thus creating space for the promotion in your life. As psychiatrist and executive coach Anna Yusim, MD, said in an interview with, “When a person focuses their thoughts and emotions on a specific outcome, they are influencing their brain chemistry and behavior in a way that makes them more likely to take actions that align with that outcome.” 

  1. Sense of purpose

Having a manifestation to hold onto and believe in helps anchor and drive you when you feel lost or hopeless, giving you a sense of purpose that drives your actions. Having this sense of purpose that comes out of holding a manifestation helps train your unconscious actions to put those goals into reality. Creating positive, unconscious habits that we can call upon in our daily lives, especially when things get difficult, helps cement your sense of purpose and propels your manifestation to reality when you decide to take those small, concrete actions.

  1. Building self-awareness

Having the desire to build your dream life forces you to confront actions you need to take or things you need to stop doing to make space for your manifestation to be fully realized in your life. Having this self-awareness allows you to cut out harmful or unhealthy habits that are holding you back and usher in ones that are better for your overall health. For example, meditation is a practice recommended by both psychologists and manifestation coaches to improve clarity and focus in the mind; having the self-awareness to understand that implementing this practice can improve your life in turn helps you achieve your goals.

The tangible and intangible transformations that have occurred in so many lives thanks to the power of manifestation are unmistakable, and the science of our brains undoubtedly supports the idea that positive outlooks, growth mindsets, healthy habits, and self-awareness allow manifestations to become a reality.



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